Greetings, girls from Venus & boys from Mars! You have stepped in the online abode of Little-Miss-Wendy, which houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings. She blogs to express, not to impress. You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Dear haters, you just see my glory not my story! Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class ♥
Im so damn fuxking tired today! Totally exhausted due to the assessment during the course. I woke up as usual at 6AM. Met Jasmine & girls at 8.30AM. I was super early today & was alrd at the destination at 7.55AM.
I hate doing CPR cause its damn tiring! I nearly went flat in the mid of the assessment due to the numerous pumping done on the minikin. Luckily, i make my way thru & i passed!
My poor hand was the one suffering i think! Cause during the procedure, we hav put the right palm over the left palm or vice versa. For me, my left palm was pressed on the right palm thru out the procedure & it went totally red at the end of the day. I guess i broke most of my vessel in the right palm & great, i will be having blue blacks all over!
Im tired, shall update tml!