Greetings, girls from Venus & boys from Mars! You have stepped in the online abode of Little-Miss-Wendy, which houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings. She blogs to express, not to impress. You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Dear haters, you just see my glory not my story! Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class ♥
Yay, im back for good for the moment i guess! Regarding my previous post about the magic card, its just to trick everyone who is reading my blog. Did you get tricked?! Seriously, i did! Im jus too stupid to get tricked cause maybe im too tired due to work & school therefore, im not so alert. For those who tagged me & did not get tricked, you are still alert & conscious!
Completed my assignment & currently im jobless once again. Goodbye NUH, Neurology Center! This assignment is quite a tiring one, cause im being thrown in a room all by myself. Lotsa patients, & lotsa procedure to be done too. Super fuxking tired!! Let me recap what happened for the pass few days.
WED - 12.11.08
Atrocious is the word to describe my day. Had lesson after work, but i skipped lesson again for the second time. None of my friends went, but initially i wanted to go, but guess what? Im blur enough a bring the wrong textbook out, therefore, i decided to skip lesson & went over to Bf's place. Im such a muddle-headed girl!
THUR - 13.11.08
None other then the usual, a busy day! Had to rush to work for my PT job again after work. Its terrible! Dragged myself as i was too tired. I quit my PT job as i was too packed with evening classes for 3 days a week. I wondered how am i going to hold on for the next 9 weeks! Oh damn, my left eye-lid was quite swollen & painful at night before i sleep. The moment i blink my eye, its painful. I hav no idea what is causing the pain, but i guess its because i accidentally scratched it & thus causing some laceration on the lid. Pain, please go away!
FRI - 14.11.08
Aww, my lid is still painful after a sleep. Lesson again after work! But this time, i went for the lesson. Boring & tired. Met Stella for lunch & headed to class. The lecturer is so long-winded, & he keeps telling us about his experience which is supposed to be quite interesting, but it turn out to be boring cause he is too long-winded thus causing me to daze off easily. Bf came to fetch me from school. Sorry to keep you waiting, love! Went for supper with Bf near his place & i took a cab home. I hav been cabbing home most of the time from Bf's place & i know its wasting his money everytime.
Today is my rest day! Too tired to go out, therefore, shall rot at home! I realized that alot of bloggers hav been using "PARTONE/PARTTWO" etc in their entry which i always use in my entry to separate paragraphs which is blogged at certain time of the day. Im not asking anyone to stop copying, but i will edit abit of my format then!
PARTTWO - Suit It All Comp }Hosted by Mr Dark Motive, Judged by Me
PARTTHREE - Just for laughter!