Greetings, girls from Venus & boys from Mars! You have stepped in the online abode of Little-Miss-Wendy, which houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings. She blogs to express, not to impress. You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Dear haters, you just see my glory not my story! Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class ♥
About the competition: Basically, we will provide contestant with a basecode & contestant will use their creativity to design a banner etc to dress up the basecode into a nice skin.
Themes: Simplicity, but accompanied by Fashion.
You should use any of these basecode only: ❤ ❤
Rules: ❤ You should use only use the basecode provided by us. ❤ You should not alter anything in the basecode but you may change the colors of the codes to your liking. ❤ All credits must be intact & visible to everyone ❤ SOTD doesnt not affect the ratings. ❤ Strictly, no rippers ❤ Participation banner should be place on the description part of the submitted skin. ❤ Skin should be submitted after 30th-Oct-2008, 12AM
Marking Citeria: Usage of assigned basecode - 15% Organisation of skin - 5% Creativity & Originality - 35% Overall feeling - 15% Design material - 20% Reference - 10%