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Wednesday, October 15, 2008 0 Comments

Im starting to fall in love with Mozilla Firefox & i think its feature is way better
than Internet Explorer! I assume that almost everyone uses Internet Explorer
instead of Mozilla Firefox right? I know everyone likes the look of their site in
Internet Explorer as it is nicer then Mozilla Firefox. But there is a solution. Let
me elaborate more about it!

❤ Faster in speed
It is less laggy in Firefox then Internet Explorer.

❤ More secure
protects you from viruses, worms, trojan horses and spyware. If you accidentally
access an attack site, you’ll receive a full-sized browser message as a warning. It
integrates elegantly with your antivirus software. When you download a file, your
computer’s antivirus program automatically checks it to protect you against viruses
and other malware. You can also clear your private data automatically with just one
click after every use.

❤ Customizable with themes
You can now find and install add-ons directly in your browser. You no longer need to
visit the add-ons Web site, simply fire up the new Add-ons Manager. You can also
dress up your browser as you like with themes just like your handphone's theme.

❤ Mozilla Firefox VS Internet Explorer

❤ Most attractive feature
There is this feature whereby with just one click on an icon in Mozilla Firefox, you can
change the view of the page into how it looks in Internet Explorer when the site is best
viewed in Internet Explorer. This is the best features provided! So this means that im
using Mozilla Firefox & Internet Explorer as well!

❤ Example: My site is best viewed in Internet Explorer

Click to enlarge the image!
My site looks sucky in Mozilla Firefox with unaligned image & navigations.
There is this Mozilla Firefox icon beside the clock which means that this is
a Mozilla Firefox's view.

Click to enlarge the image!
My site looks like this in Internet Explorer. But when i click on the
Mozilla Firefox icon, it changed to Internet Explorer icon which means
that it will change into how the site is when its viewed in Internet Explorer

Amazing right?
To download Mozilla Firefox, click here!