Greetings, girls from Venus & boys from Mars! You have stepped in the online abode of Little-Miss-Wendy, which houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings. She blogs to express, not to impress. You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Dear haters, you just see my glory not my story! Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class ♥
Hooray, i finally changed my blogskin cause im abit tired of the previous one! I simply love the current one! Some people tell me tat my previous one is nicer & the newly created skin is kinda plain, so i decided to merge both ideas tgt, & there, i guess its way better then my previous one!
What do you think? Comments needed!
This current skin is inspired by the wordpress theme, therefore its a bit classic cum kawaii cause of the cute images on top! I love the headers! Special thanks to esp Cherie for givin me some ideas & everyone whom i asked comments from! Great thank although im abit irritating! LOL!
PARTTWO - A gd weekend ahead!
Yeah, this will be a short week for me cause im off on wed till next week! Im so happy alright! Xmas is arriving in less then 5 days, & that will mean that year 2009 is arriving! Im seriously looking forward to my weekend! Hooray~!
PARTTHREE - The right way to handle babies!
Came across this in my email, i think this is kinda funny & cute! Enjoy!