Greetings, girls from Venus & boys from Mars! You have stepped in the online abode of Little-Miss-Wendy, which houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings. She blogs to express, not to impress. You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Dear haters, you just see my glory not my story! Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class ♥
Have been feeling super-morose lately! Maybe that's the contraindication of the pills that im taking, it will continue for another couple of months i guess! I just cant help it, no matter how hard i try, i just couldnt get happy! Find me happiness, will you?
And recently, im eating the way i used to eat like before. Thanks to a friend of mine whom verbalized to me "I think you lose some weight after you remove your wisdom tooth!" And i was kinda happy & got myself standing on the weighing machine & what the hell!
Measured myself like 2 weeks back & in freaking 2 weeks, i put on like nearly 2KG! Ohmygoodness, where did all the adipose tissue came from? I only junk at times during lunch break but not when im at home or during the weekends!
And nobody even mention to me that i put on weight in any way! How could it be? Honestly speaking, i didnt realize myself too that this extra 2KG of adipose tissue is stationed in my body! Ahhhh, so scary can!
I still cannot accept the fact that i had put on so much of weight in like 2 weeks. I spent like a few years to make myself go back where i was when in my secondary school days & now, im like nearly back to my highest record!
Nooooo! Im not gonna let that happen to me! Now, im watching my diet so strictly and making sure i maintain or go back to where i was few months back! How nice would it be if i can allocate those adipose tissue to where i want!
The very first place i wan to allocate all the extra adipose tissue from my tummy, thigh & arms is to my boobs! Stupid body of mine - those adipose tissue just like to go to the place they like but the place i hate!
Heard from a friend of mine whom spent SGD2K on slimming & health products & i seriously saw the significant changes in her! And, guess what, i got one for myself too! And this is my breakup plan - to break those fats in me!
Will this do wonder? I got faith in them cause i really saw the changes in my friend in just 2 months. And many of my friends are taking them with significant results seen. I hope it works on me too! Measured myself just now & i hope in 2 months, i can blog about this miracle!
I dont wanna slim down, all i asked for is to get rid of the adipose tissue in my tummy, thigh & arm! Its as simple as ABC! Eat pray love!