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Monday, December 08, 2008 0 Comments


This is cool right?!

I went over to Bf's place ystd. Brought my lappy & notes over & intended to study, but i
didnt study much. Was watching the TV & playing with the computers most of the time.
I know im not suppose to do all this, but i simply dislike studying!

Sis rang me up in the late afternoon & asked if Bf & i want to go out & hav lunch with them
as her Bf is driving, so we agreed. They waited for her under Bf's house & we drove to
Taman Jurong for dinner. Had BBQ stingray, squid & kang kong. Quite nice, but i was so

Sis suggested to go Serene Center for some ice-cream for dessert, so her Bf drove us there.
This was our first time there, & the dessert are quite cheap & nice. The flavours of the
ice-creams are so unique. They hav like Chendol, teh tarik, horlicks, sour sop etc which are
rarely found.

Some candid snap!

The ice-cream looks like shit right?! Its because, its very soft & half eaten!

Bf asked me if im interested to go to an event organised by his sch. They are going to those
creepy areas like the Cemetry in Lim Chu Kang, Old changi hospital & some groove which
was known as haunted areas in Singapore. This is a night activity, omg, i feel so errie! I
really dunc dare to go but he asked me to think over it. Im freaking scared, should i go?!

PARTTWO - Empty | Merry Xmas, pet society

OMG, i did another skin cause im bored! Its simple & not very pretty thou. Smth like my
current skin, except its blue! LOL! Sorry, im still a noob!

Click to preview & comment!

Another new submission. Inspired by Pet Society game in facebook. However, i didnt
play that game, but alot of people are playing! Even the old aunties im working with
played too. LOL!